Blessed Solanus Casey Regional Fraternity

Secular Franciscan Order

Gospel living for Secular Franciscans is this: to know the Lord Jesus, to seek his presence in every sphere of life and to share his mission in the Church. Such a life style is achieved through an ongoing change of heart and a life of worship. This gospel life takes on a natural expression through simple living, building community and selfless service and spurs us on to special ways of evangelization: social justice, attitudes towards work, Christian family living, ecology and peacemaking. (Fr. Benet A. Fonck, OFM) 

2024 Regional Chapter

Save the Date

November 9, 2024 

Retreats & Online Book Studies

Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation


The mission of the JPIC committee of the Solanus Casey Regional Fraternity is to animate the region and local fraternities with the spirit of modern Catholic Social Teaching informed by the Rule of Life we profess. 

Minister and Formation Director Meetings

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