Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation
The mission of the JPIC committee of the Solanus Casey Regional Fraternity is to animate the region and local fraternities with the spirit of modern Catholic Social Teaching informed by the Rule of Life we profess.
Fratelli Tutti
On Fraternity and Social Friendship
Fratelli Tutti:
On Fraternity and Social Friendship
8 Wednesday Evening Sessions
7:00-8:30 PM
Starting Wednesday, February 12, 2025
Virtual Event via ZOOM
Session Overview
Like our father St. Francis, Pope Francis calls us to see the face of Jesus in all our neighbors, recognizing that everyone we meet is a brother or sister. In this, his third encyclical, he exhorts us to model respect for all and to uphold the dignity of every human person created in the image and likeness of God.
This will be an eight-week gathering on zoom, with each meeting focusing on one chapter of the eight chapters in the encyclical. Based on the readings, we'll share our thoughts, hopes, and plans for living out St. Francis's praise for God's creation by loving humanity.
Session Schedule
Session 1: February12
Introduction & Chapter 1 - Dark Clouds over a Closed World
Session 2: February 19
Chapter 2 - A Stranger on the Road
Session 3: February 26
Chapter 3 - Envisaging and Engendering an Open World
Session 4: March 5
Chapter 4 - A Heart Open to the Whole World
Session 5: March 12
Chapter 5 - A Better Kind of Politics
Session 6: March 19
Chapter 6 - Dialogue and Friendship in Society
Session 7: March 26
Chapter 7 - Paths of Renewed Encounter
Session 8: April 2
Chapter 8 - Religions at the Service of Fraternity in Our World